Pediatric EKG/ECG/ICG Electrodes


These electrodes have a lower chloride wet gel concentration and less intense adhesive than our Adult electrodes, making them perfect for use with children, infants, and anyone with sensitive skin.

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SKU: 93-0101-00 Category:

Our disposable electrodes are specifically designed for high quality recordings and long term use while minimizing motion artifacts. These electrodes have a lower chloride wet gel concentration and less intense adhesive than our Adult electrodes, making them perfect for use with children, infants, and anyone with sensitive skin. They are suitable for any biopotential measurements (ECG/EKG, EMG, EOG, etc) as well as cardiac impedance (ICG).

Technical Specifications:

  • Tape electode
  • 1 5/8” diameter provides large adhesive area
  • 1% chloride wet gel
  • Ag/AgCl sensor polymer
  • Exceeds AAMI specifications
  • Latex-free
  • Strips of 5, 60 per pouch
Weight .39 lbs

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